Subject Pronouns

Subject pronouns are used to replace nouns that are the subject of a sentence, making sentences less repetitive and more fluent. They are often the doer of the action in the sentence. Here are the subject pronouns in English along with examples:

  1. I – used when referring to oneself:
    • I like to read books.
    • Can I borrow your pen?
  2. You – used when referring to the person or people being spoken to or addressed:
    • You are a good friend.
    • Can you help me with this?
  3. He – used when referring to a male person or animal:
    • He is my brother.
    • The dog looks like he wants to play.
  4. She – used when referring to a female person or animal:
    • She is my sister.
    • The cat looks like she is hungry.
  5. It – used when referring to an inanimate object, an animal without a specified gender, or an abstract concept:
    • It is raining outside.
    • The table is old, but it still works fine.
  6. We – used when referring to oneself and others:
    • We are going to the beach tomorrow.
    • Can we have a moment of your time?
  7. They
    • They are my friends from school.
    • Did they call you yesterday?


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