Object Pronouns

Object pronouns are used to replace nouns that receive the action of a verb in a sentence. They typically function as the object of a verb or a preposition. Here are the object pronouns in English along with examples:

  1. Me – used when referring to oneself as the object of a verb or preposition:
    • John called me yesterday.
    • This gift is for me.
  2. You – used when referring to the person or people being spoken to or addressed:
    • I saw you at the store yesterday.
    • Sarah, I need to talk to you.
  3. Him – used when referring to a male person or animal as the object of a verb or preposition:
    • She gave the book to him.
    • The teacher likes him.
  4. Her – used when referring to a female person or animal as the object of a verb or preposition:
    • I sent an email to her.
    • Mary knows her well.
  5. It – used when referring to an inanimate object, an animal without a specified gender, or an abstract concept as the object of a verb or preposition:
    • He found it on the table.
    • The weather made it difficult to go outside.
  6. Us – used when referring to oneself and others as the object of a verb or preposition:
    • They invited us to their party.
    • Can you help us with this project?
  7. Them – used when referring to more than one person or a group of people as the object of a
    • I talked to them yesterday.
    • Please give this message to them.


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