The properties of many bodies change as we alter their temperature, perhaps by moving them from a refrigerator to a warm oven. To give a few examples: As their temperature increases, the volume of a liquid increases, a metal rod grows a little longer, and the electrical resistance of a wire increases, as does the pressure exerted by a confined gas. We can use any one of these properties as the basis of an instrument that will help us pin down the concept of temperature.

Figure 18-2 shows such an instrument. Any resourceful engineer could design and construct it, using any one of the properties listed above. The instrument is fitted with a digital readout display and has the following properties: If you heat it (say, with a Bunsen burner), the displayed number starts to increase; if you then put it into a refrigerator, the displayed number starts to decrease. The instrument is not calibrated in any way, and the numbers have (as yet) no physical meaning. The device is a thermoscope but not (as yet) a thermometer.


Fig. 18-2   A thermoscope. The numbers increase when the device is heated and decrease when it is cooled. The thermally sensitive element could be—among many possibilities—a coil of wire whose electrical resistance is measured and displayed.

Suppose that, as in Fig. 18-3a, we put the thermoscope (which we shall call body T) into intimate contact with another body (body A). The entire system is confined within a thick-walled insulating box. The numbers displayed by the thermoscope roll by until, eventually, they come to rest (let us say the reading is “137.04”) and no further change takes place. In fact, we suppose that every measurable property of body T and of body A has assumed a stable, unchanging value. Then we say that the two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with each other. Even though the displayed readings for body T have not been calibrated, we conclude that bodies T and A must be at the same (unknown) temperature.

Suppose that we next put body T into intimate contact with body B (Fig. 18-3b) and find that the two bodies come to thermal equilibrium at the same reading of the thermoscope. Then bodies T and B must be at the same (still unknown) temperature. If we now put bodies A and B into intimate contact (Fig. 18-3c), are they immediately in thermal equilibrium with each other? Experimentally, we find that they are.

The experimental fact shown in Fig. 18-3 is summed up in the zeroth law of thermodynamics:

images If bodies A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third body T, then A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

In less formal language, the message of the zeroth law is: “Every body has a property called temperature. When two bodies are in thermal equilibrium, their temperatures are equal. And vice versa.” We can now make our thermoscope (the third body T) into a thermometer, confident that its readings will have physical meaning. All we have to do is calibrate it.

We use the zeroth law constantly in the laboratory. If we want to know whether the liquids in two beakers are at the same temperature, we measure the temperature of each with a thermometer. We do not need to bring the two liquids into intimate contact and observe whether they are or are not in thermal equilibrium.

The zeroth law, which has been called a logical afterthought, came to light only in the 1930s, long after the first and second laws of thermodynamics had been discovered and numbered. Because the concept of temperature is fundamental to those two laws, the law that establishes temperature as a valid concept should have the lowest number—hence the zero.


Fig. 18-3   (a) Body T (a thermoscope) and body A are in thermal equilibrium. (Body S is a thermally insulating screen.) (b) Body T and body B are also in thermal equilibrium, at the same reading of the thermoscope. (c) If (a) and (b) are true, the zeroth law of thermodynamics states that body A and body B are also in thermal equilibrium.


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